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FxScouts helps traders across the globe by meticulously testing and reviewing online brokers and providing Forex education and market analysis. Our partners compensate us through paid advertising. While partners may pay to provide offers or be featured, they cannot pay to alter our recommendations, advice, ratings, or any other content. Our content and research teams do not participate in any advertising planning nor are they permitted access to advertising campaign data. For more detailed information click this link.
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Björn Michels is CEO and co-founder of FxScouts Group AB.
Björn started his professional career in 2004 in product development of the internal search engine for Hewlett Packard when web search was considered cutting edge for the e-commerce and online industry. Today, he combines strategic management, product development and a passion for financial products in his role.
Björn holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from South Bank University in London UK.
Partner Manager and Financial Writer
Chris manages the relationships with our partners to provide the best Forex trading experience possible for our users. Previously Head of Content at FxScouts since 2019, Chris ensured all content met our high standards of quality and clarity, shaping editorial guidelines and overseeing broker reviews. Chris brought 15+ years of experience in research, editorial, and design for political and financial publications, and has a deep knowledge of international financial markets and geo-politics. He co-hosts the "Let's Talk Forex" podcast with Alison and writes for the news section on a regular basis.
Head of Content
Alison joined the team as a writer in 2021. She is the Head of Content for FxScouts. She has a medical degree with a focus on physiotherapy and a bachelor's in psychology. However, her interest in Forex trading and her love for writing led her to switch careers. She has a passion for Forex trading and over a decade of editorial experience researching Forex and the financial services industry, producing high-quality content. She hosts a weekly podcast, "Let's Talk Forex", alongside Chris and has produced over 100 Forex educational videos for the FxScouts YouTube channel. She also writes weekly technical analyses and has tested and reviewed over 120 Forex brokers.
Financial Writer
Ida is a financial writer with a degree in Digital Marketing and a strong background in content writing and SEO. Her expertise extends beyond marketing and writing, with a keen interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks. Ida's passion for crypto trading sparked a deeper fascination with Forex technical analysis and price movement. She is continually expanding her knowledge in Forex trading, staying informed about the latest trends and identifying the best trading environments for new traders.
Financial Writer